Dr Nigel Plummer and his team undertake presentations around the world discussing the microbiome, its impact on health and the role(s) of probiotics.
- Garaiova I. The clinical use and effects of probiotics during childhood. 9th International Conference RAHMS: Recent Advances in Health and Medical Sciences, Paphos, Cyprus, June 2018
- Plummer N. The microbiome-brain connection: the potential for probiotics to positively affect mental health & cognitive function. CSNN Alumni Association, The 11th Annual Canadian Holistic Nutrition Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 2018
- Plummer N. Gut feeling – The role of the intestine and its microbiome in whole body health and disease. Integrative Healthcare and Applied Nutrition, London, UK April 2018
- Plummer N. Physiology and function of the microbiome in the small and large intestines. Integrative Healthcare and Applied Nutrition, London, UK September 2017
- Plummer N. The latest science on probiotics – is the microbiome the forgotten organ? Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference & Trade Exhibition, Gold Coast, Australia March 2017
- Garaiova I, Muchova J, Nagyova Z, Wang D, Li JV, Orszaghova Z, Michael DR, Plummer SF, Durackova Z. Impact of probiotics on upper respiratory tract infections in pre-school children. The UK Probiotic Conference, Royal Holloway University of London, UK June 29-July 1 2015
- Garaiova I. Probiotics during childhood.
- Nursing in Practice. Bournemouth 14th October 2014.
- Allen SJ, Jordan S, Storey M, Thornton CA, Gravenor MB, Garaiova I, Jones RH, Macfarlane TV, Seager AL, Manshian B, Moller M, Omakobia M, Plummer SF, Wang D, Morgan G. Probiotics and atopic eczema: a double-blind randomised controlled trial. RCPCH Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 22-24th May 2012.